Product lists for descriptive-based pages
There are 3 different components that position an offering of descriptive-based products and services
Working with Product Lists
There are 3 Product List components :
- ContentTileV2List - stacked
- ContentTileV2 - a carousel - use if you have <= 4 content items
- ContentListStack
Content that can be included in the component:
- Products
- SBG CS Product Information
- SBG Product
- Teasers
- to be used if you need diffferent wording to what is displayed on the Product detail page OR
- if you need to link to a Channel page OR
- if you need to link to an external page
- Articles
The page below shows the various components and how they render depeding on the number of content items

The product positioning text is displayed in 3 places on the site - the Product Detail page, Cross Sell and Content Tile.

The product positioning text is displayed in 3 places on the site - the Product Detail page, Cross Sell and Content Tile.

Place some brief text positioning the product offering here

Place brief product positioning text here

News, thought leadership content, value adding articles and press releases must be captured in an SBG Article CTD. The Article Type must be flagged to represent whether the content is an Article, Report or Press Release. The Article Image you assemble must follow Approach 3, ie have all 14 formats loaded (note: you don't need to add a separate Top Banner in your article content item)

Blurb Call To Action for a Fixed Deposit investment account

Blurb Call To Action for a Notice Deposit investment account