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File List with search and filtering by Category and Year

Renders a list of files that is searchable and can be filtered using a Topic and Year.  Files are displayed in descending order of Order/Ranking Date

File List Filter Category and year

Steps for using this component: 

  • Associate all the Files (CTD = SBG File)  you are needing to display to this channel/page
  • Associate the  Data Lists you are using to this channel/page, for both Topic and Year
  • Insert the Component Template called FileListFilterCategoryYear  on your page

EDIT  the Smartlist as follows:

  • Update the channel name with the exact value of the page where your files are associated
  • Optional - set the numItemsPerPage to  what you require (currently displaying 5  files per page) - it is found under the Component->Presentation Properties tab
  • DON'T add/remove any other conditions or settings in the Smartlist -  they won't  be used
Filter by topic
Select year