South Africa
Getting to know the app 24 Jan 2024

VAF: Add Standard Bank VAF as a beneficiary

Pay your vehicle loan directly on the App by adding VAF as a pre-defined beneficiary
Step 1 of 12

To begin go to your home screen and select Transact.

Step 2 of 12

Now select Pay.

Step 3 of 12

On the Pay screen, select the + Add a beneficiary payment option.

Step 4 of 12

Now select the A bank-approved company as your beneficiary option.

Step 5 of 12

Next, select the search icon (in top right-hand corner).

Step 6 of 12

As you start typing in the search field (in the top of the screen), the matching beneficiaries will be displayed in the search results.

Let’s enter: “standard bank veh” in the search field.
You will now be able to select Standard Bank Vehicle and Asset Finance.

Step 7 of 12

On the Beneficiary Details screen, you must complete:

  • Their reference: this is in your VAF agreement number (you can find this in the statement details section on your monthly statement)
  • My reference: this is the reference that you would like to see on your bank statement when you pay this beneficiary
Step 8 of 12

Here you can also select and setup your proof of payment option (if required):

  • SMS
  • Email
  • Fax

When you are ready, select REVIEW (in top right-hand corner).

Step 9 of 12

Review your VAF beneficiary's details, then select CONFIRM (in the top of the screen).

Hint: use the back button (in top left-hand corner) to go back and amend your beneficiary details.

Step 10 of 12

Finally, enter the 5-digit one time pin (OTP) which will be sent to your cellphone number, to confirm your new beneficiary request.

Select DONE.



If you’ve linked and secured your profile (with DigiMe), you won’t be asked for your one-time PIN.


Step 11 of 12

All done! You have successfully added Standard Bank Vehicle and Asset Finance (VAF) as a beneficiary.

You can select PAY to pay your VAF account now.

Step 12 of 12

You can also pay your Standard Bank Vehicle and Asset Finance (VAF) account later by selecting this beneficiary from your list of saved beneficiaries on the Pay screen.
