South Africa
Getting to know the app 31 Jul 2024

Manage your contact details

DigiMe’d customers can manage their contact details on the App in a few easy step
Step 1 of 5

To begin, you need to access your profile by selecting:

  • More (on the bottom navigation),
  • your profile (on the top), and
  • the Personal details menu option



Refer to our Manage your Profile help guide to see this step-by-step guide

Step 2 of 5

On the Your Profile screen, select the CONTACT tab to retrieve your contact information:

  • Cellphone numbers
  • Telephone numbers
  • Email addresses


Please note:

ONLY DigiMe’d customers will be able to view and edit their profile information.

Step 3 of 5

Now, let’s expand the cellphone numbers section.

Step 4 of 5

Next, tap on the Pencil Icon to update your Cellphone numbers.



Simply follow the same process to update your telephone numbers and/or email addresses.

Step 5 of 5

Finally, on your contact details screen, you can:

  • add additional cellphone numbers by selecting the ADD button
  • delete any old cellphone numbers by tapping on the trash icon
  • select and set an alternative cellphone number from your list as your primary contact number


When you’re ready, use the back arrow buttons in the header (top left-hand corner) to return to the home screen.
