South Africa
Getting started 1 Jun 2020

Link your bank accounts

Follow these easy steps to link your accounts to your app
Step 1 of 8

You have successfully created your profile and setup your sign in details. Congratulations! Select SIGN IN to follow easy steps to link your accounts.

Step 2 of 8

Enter your app code to sign in. (Or you will be prompted to use your finger print to sign in if you set that as your preferred sign in method).

Step 3 of 8

Verify your profile one last time. Enter the One Time Pin received to the your email address you registered with.

Step 4 of 8

Success! You're in!. Now lets select Link your accounts.

Step 5 of 8

Select South Africa. Remember to have your bank card details ready for the next step.

Step 6 of 8

Select Bank Accounts. (You can select the other options as well if you like. You will be prompted for information for those accounts once in the app).

Step 7 of 8

Last step. Enter your card number and the ATM pin number of the card. Select NEXT to continue.
Warning! Make sure no one is looking over your shoulder while you do this.

Step 8 of 8

And you are done! Your new app homepage is setup with your accounts. You are ready to start banking.
