Standard Bank Group

Group Risk

Group Risk is responsible for managing all the risks that face the organisation, within a holistic framework. It’s both a challenging and exciting time to be in risk management as the environment is changing all the time. Every day, there are new or emerging risks which need to be managed, such as cyber and environmental risks.

Risk is managed through three lines of defence, each with their own specialised focus and mandate.

First line defence responsibilities include defining the risk and control culture, in alignment with risk appetite, Identifying and assessing risks and emerging threats. Designing and implementing appropriate controls and balancing risk and return with every business decision.

Second line ensure the drafting of effective risk management frameworks and policies and the facilitation of risk management activities through the risk management. This extends to capital requirements calculation for various risk types.

Our third line provide assurance through risk-based audit plans that assesses and reports on the quality of controls and risk management practices. While periodically reviewing the level of compliance to policies and standards, and the completeness and reliability of the risk assessment and reporting process.
Specialised areas of risk management that you could grow in with us:
Risk Culture

Risk culture is the norms, behaviours and attitudes related to risk awareness, risk taking and risk management, and controls that shape decisions on risks. Risk culture influences the decisions of management and employees during their day-to-day activities and has an impact on the risks they assume.

Strategic risk

This focuses on the inherent risk of the strategic position our business takes in their markets, the execution against these strategies and the management of reputation risk to the organisation.

Financial Risk

This specialisation focuses on unexpected changes in external markets, price, rates and liquidity supply and demand. Financial risk extends to credit risk overseeing the risk associated with obligors' failure to meet their financial or contractual obligations when due.

Climate risk

Long-term changes in regional and global weather patterns arising from an increase of greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere. Its impacts include rising global temperatures, changes in rain and wind patterns, ocean acidification, desertification, coastal erosion, and the loss of biodiversity. Climate risk is the risk to business because of climate change.

Market Risk

Adverse movements in market variables such as commodity and other stocks prices, held equity stock prices, interest and currency exchange rates, resulting in change in market value, actual or effective earnings, or future cashflows of a portfolio of financial instruments.

Insurance Risk

Unexpected policyholder behaviour that is different from the price and contract value assumption made at the time of underwriting.

Group Risk career areas

  • Credit Risk SA/Africa Regions
  • Commercial/Business Lending
  • Business Support & Recoveries
  • Enterprise Risk
  • Agricultural Risk
  • Country Risk
  • Environmental, Social Gov. Risk
  • Market Risk
  • Equity Risk
  • Decision Risk Science
  • Model Risk & Va Credit Risk SA/Africa Regions
  • Commercial/Business Lending
  • Business Support & Recoveries
  • Enterprise Risk
  • Agricultural Risk
  • Country Risk
  • Environmental, Social Gov. Risk
  • Market Risk
  • Equity Risk
  • Decision Risk Science
  • Model Risk & Va

Personal employee benefits designed with you in mind

Personal growth is also important to us, so as a part of our team, you’ll enjoy benefits designed to help you achieve your ambitions at work and in your private capacity, both now and in the future. The exact benefits you receive will depend on the country you join us in, but can include the following:
Taking care of yourself

We don’t always know where life will take us, so we have put together a range of benefits tailored specifically to help you take care of yourself and those you love.

  • Wellness programmes
  • Counselling and advisory services
  • Life, personal accident, incapacity and funeral cover
  • Permanent health insurance (PHI) cover
  • Discounted rates for voluntary benefits such as spouse life cover, dread disease cover, funeral cover for parents and/or parents-in-law and medical aid gap cover
Managing your finances

We all have dreams and goals in life – so we have several ways to help make them more accessible to you, with significant savings.

  • Retirement funding
  • Discounted banking products
  • Transactional and investment banking products
  • Home loans and vehicle finance at preferential rates
  • Access to credit
  • Assistance with insurance and wills
  • Online share trading
  • Rewards
Rewards and recognition

We believe in recognising the hard work and positive approach of our people – so we have three formal recognition programmes.

  • Beyond Excellence
  • Mark of Excellence
  • Long service awards
A healthy balance

Your life outside work is important, so we have a leave structure which gives you plenty of time to relax, thrive and be the best you. The exact leave benefits you receive will depend on the country you join us in, but can include the following:

  • Vacation leave
  • Additional vacation leave
  • Study leave
  • Parental leave
  • Compassionate/family responsibility leave
  • Special discretionary leave
  • Sabbatical leave
  • Sick leave
  • Short-term incapacity leave
  • Recognition leave
  • Optional unpaid leave
Please note: We don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all approach to benefits. Instead, we believe in taking a more personal approach to giving our people what they need. That’s why our benefits package can look a little different, depending on where you’re based.
Talent acquisition journey

We believe in making dreams possible and connecting the brightest talent to the meaningful opportunities they need to build their skills, ignite their ambitions, and get closer to their purpose.

Apply online

You’ll discover amazing career opportunities on our website. So, start exploring. You can create a profile or log in with your existing details if you’ve already got one. There, you can complete the online application form and submit it, with the supporting documents we’ve requested.

Selection process

  • Shortlist: Our Talent Acquisition Specialist and relevant Hiring Manager review all applications and make a shortlist of the most suitable candidates.
  • Competency- based interview: If you’re shortlisted, we’ll invite you to take part in a competency-based interview.
  • Assessments: If you’re successful in with the interview, you’ll move on to the assessments. Depending on the role you’re applying for, you might be asked to undertake a case-study exercise, technical test, and psychometric assessment, as well as any other role-specific assessment.
  • Panel- interview: Then you’ll proceed to final interview stage, where you’ll meet an interview panel and get to ask further questions.

Pre-employment screening

If you have been successful in the selection process, our Talent Acquisition team will get in touch to get your consent for our pre-employment screening which includes the following:

  • Identity and educational qualification verification
  • Credit record and criminal record
  • Outside Business Interest Declaration and Personnel Account Trading Declaration
  • Sanctions screening and confirmation of current employment.


Candidates with satisfactory pre-employment screening will be presented to the Hiring Manager by the Talent Acquisition team for final review. The most suitable candidate will be extended an employment contract and offer letter, detailing everything you’ll need to know about your new role. The recruitment process is competitive, therefore candidates that make it to the pre-employment screening stage are not guaranteed an offer.


Even before you join the Standard Bank family, we want you to think of us as your home. So, before you join, we'll get you off to a flying start with our onboarding experience.