Sample Site
Sign in
Getting started 10 Mar 2023

Setup your app sign-in details

Register on the app at home and set up your sign-in details

Step 1

To begin, select SIGN IN.

Step 2

Enter your USERNAME and PASSWORD that you use for Internet Banking.

Then select SIGN IN.

Step 3

If your digital profile does not have an email address associated, you will be asked to enter one.

Enter your email address and select SUBMIT.


NB: your email address will be used:

  • to confirm your Banking profile 
  • for your password recovery when you forget your access codes

Step 4

Now you need to re-sign in again.

Enter the USERNAME and PASSWORD you used earlier.

Then select SIGN IN.

Step 5

Next, enter the 5 digit profile verification code which has been sent to your email address.

Then select DONE.

Step 6

Now you get to choose your preferred way of accessing the app:

  • Facial recognition
  • fingerprint; or
  • passcode.


Select START and follow the prompts to setup your preferred sign-in method.

Step 7

Your app is now setup!

Let's select SIGN IN.

Step 8

The last step required for setting up your profile is to link your accounts.


Step 9

Now select Uganda from the list of countries provided.

Step 10

All done! 

You successfully linked your banking profile & set up your sign in method - you are ready to bank on the App!