• Arts and Culture
    • Art Gallery
    • National Arts Festival
    • Standard Bank Young Artist
    • Standard Bank Joy of Jazz
    • Highlights

    Our gallery is the only corporate gallery that hosts international arts and drives thought-leadership. It is home to the most comprehensive African Art collection in the country.

    The Standard Bank Young Artist Awards were established in 1981 to celebrate emerging South African artists who live their personal truth through their art and show exceptional talent in their chosen medium 


    Since its inception in 1997, the Standard Bank Joy of Jazz festival has provided the platform for renowned African artists to join global icons in delivering an outstanding jazz experience under one roof.
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Standard Bank Ovation Awards

The National Arts Festival's Fringe programmeme serves as a melting pot where seasoned professionals and spirited newcomers come together in a shared pursuit of innovation and expression. As an independently produced and funded space, the Fringe acts as fertile ground for new works to take root and for fresh collaborations to flourish.

Throughout the Festival, stand out productions featured in the Fringe programmeme are celebrated with the prestigious Standard Bank Ovation Awards. These awards, bestowed by a panel of anonymous reviewers who meticulously assess every Fringe show, recognize performances that leave a lasting impact.

At the culmination of the Festival, on the final Saturday night, all the winners gather for a late-night ceremony where the recipients of the Gold, Silver, and Bronze Ovation Awards are revealed, culminating in a celebration of artistic excellence.

The Standard Bank Ovation Awards have served as a launchpad for numerous productions to reach broader audiences, both nationally and internationally. Keep an eye out for these acclaimed performances at theaters near you post-Festival, as they continue to captivate audiences beyond the Festival's borders.

Standard Bank is proud to have supported this awards programme since its inception in 2010.