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Growth Conversations

Growth Conversations is a platform that seeks to promote dialogue aimed at shaping the national economic development agenda. Through this initiative, we are creating a platform where ideas, insights, and expertise are shared to shape a better future for our community, industry, and the  broader economy. 

Growth Conversations Intro Video
Economic and Sustainbaility Forum

Standard Bank PLC hosted the inaugural Growth Conversation, the Economic and Sustainability Forum with the theme “Towards economic recovery and growth, embracing sustainability”.

The aim of the forum was to bring together thought leaders, industry experts and practitioners to discuss the challenges and opportunities at the intersection of economic growth and environmental sustainability.

Standard Bank also unveiledthe 2023 Sustainbality Report, previously referred to as Report to Society, an annual publish that cascades the strategic output and outcomes achieved within the Banks Social, Economic and Environmental impact areas.

Click here to read report

Economic Forum