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    The extreme volatility in the global economy and financial markets over the past few years are a stark reminder that uncertainty lurks around every corner. Global stock markets have see-sawed from extreme highs to record lows over the past few years, leaving ordinary investors unsure of what to expect.
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    African generational tensions regarding the transfer of wealth
    As directors of trust companies forming part of Africa’s largest bank by assets, with a presence in 19 African countries, it is fair for us to say that we have significant experience implementing estate and succession plans for families with African connections. Whilst we absolutely acknowledge that each family is unique, as are their estate and succession planning needs, we do still see threads of commonality when we are approached by families wishing to establish fiduciary structures.
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    Standard Bank Offshore is perfectly positioned to support the growth of our organisation and the continent itself.
     Our Report to Society outlines our four social, economic and environmental (SEE) impact areas
    Standard Bank Offshore is perfectly positioned to support the growth of our organisation and the continent itself.
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Corporate Services

Partnering with businesses and investors to drive economic growth across the African continent.

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Standard Bank has been providing financial services for the past 160 years. We apply our expertise to help you structure, grow and protect your business.

Building Africa's Future

Through our teams in Mauritius and Jersey, we offer fiduciary services from two leading international financial centres that bring together the best of both jurisdictions. 

With some of the world’s fastest-growing economies, Africa has strong long-term growth prospects. Yet this diverse continent presents a variety of complex issues for businesses and investors ranging from challenging regulatory, legal and tax systems to quickly evolving political and social environments.  

Standard Bank’s corporate and fiduciary services help navigate these challenges. Establishing international holding structures which are administered by our experts, you can take advantage of the fantastic investment opportunities across the continent, confident in the knowledge you are partnering with an institution dedicated to driving Africa’s growth. Examples of structures we implement for our clients include –

  • Trusts to hold business assets or personal assets
  • Holding companies
  • Employee benefit trusts
  • International savings and retirement plans​
  • Foundations

Working together, we help you find the most effective ways to invest, pool, manage and transfer the capital destined to build the Africa of tomorrow. 

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  • Building Africa's Future

Through our teams in Mauritius and Jersey, we offer fiduciary services from two leading international financial centres that bring together the best of both jurisdictions. 

With some of the world’s fastest-growing economies, Africa has strong long-term growth prospects. Yet this diverse continent presents a variety of complex issues for businesses and investors ranging from challenging regulatory, legal and tax systems to quickly evolving political and social environments.  

Standard Bank’s corporate and fiduciary services help navigate these challenges. Establishing international holding structures which are administered by our experts, you can take advantage of the fantastic investment opportunities across the continent, confident in the knowledge you are partnering with an institution dedicated to driving Africa’s growth. Examples of structures we implement for our clients include –

  • Trusts to hold business assets or personal assets
  • Holding companies
  • Employee benefit trusts
  • International savings and retirement plans​
  • Foundations

Working together, we help you find the most effective ways to invest, pool, manage and transfer the capital destined to build the Africa of tomorrow. 

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We also offer
Private client services - cross sell image
Private client services

We implement bespoke succession plans for families to leave a lasting legacy through flexible fiduciary structures. Whether through a trust, private trust company, foundation or holding company, we can support your family’s unique needs.

Family Office - Product Information Image
Family Office Services

We understand that a legacy is about more than wealth. It is about family, purpose, unity, and a better future. Partner with us to build and preserve your family’s legacy for generations to come.

International Fiduciary Services

Join other African connected and UK resident families who entrust us with helping to create, grow, protect and pass on their wealth.

International Fiduciary Services