NJ Ayuk
Executive Chairman of the Africa Energy Chamber
Juris Doctor (William Mitchell College of Law) and MBA (New York Institute of Technology)
Cameroonian-born NJ Ayuk is founder and CEO of Pan-African corporate law conglomerate, Centurion Law Group; founder and Executive Chairman of the African Energy Chamber; and author of A Just Transition: Making Energy Poverty History with an Energy Mix.
- A leading authority in the African energy sector and a strong advocate for the continent’s energy sector, he is a well-known dealmaker in the petroleum and power sectors.
- NJ is a Global Shaper with the World Economic Forum, and was one of Forbes’ Top 10 Most Influential Men in Africa in 2015.
- He graduated from the University of Maryland College Park and earned a Juris Doctor from William Mitchell College of Law and an MBA from the New York Institute of Technology.